Mathur & Nargund for Montgomery Township School Board of Education


Promoting Excellence, Equality, and Innovation in Education
Dedicated to creating a school system where every student thrives, every teacher feels valued, and every family is heard

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is your understanding of the Board of Education’s role in implementing NJ State mandates?
Our understanding of the Board of Education’s role is that it is a crucial role in ensuring that New Jersey State mandates are implemented at the district level. These mandates encompass a wide range of educational policies, standards, and regulations established by the state, including curriculum requirements, health and safety protocols, student rights, and teacher certification standards. The Board's role in implementing these mandates includes:

  • Policy Development and Oversight: The Board of Education is responsible for developing and adopting local policies that align with state mandates. This ensures that state laws and regulations are incorporated into the district's daily operations and long-term strategies. The Board must regularly review and update these policies to reflect any changes in state requirements.
  • Ensuring Compliance: The Board is tasked with overseeing the district’s compliance with state mandates. This involves working with the superintendent and administrative staff to ensure that the district meets all regulatory requirements, from curriculum standards to health and safety protocols. The Board must also ensure that teachers and staff are adequately trained to implement these mandates.
  • Resource Allocation: The Board is responsible for ensuring that sufficient resources-such as funding, staffing, and materials-are available to meet state mandates. This may involve allocating funds for professional development, updating facilities to meet safety regulations, or acquiring materials for new curriculum requirements.
  • Accountability and Evaluation: The Board monitors the district’s progress in implementing state mandates and holds the administration accountable for meeting these standards. This includes evaluating the effectiveness of policies, reviewing district performance data, and ensuring continuous improvement in areas such as academic achievement and student well-being.
  • Advocacy and Communication: While the Board must implement state mandates, it also serves as a voice for the community. The Board can advocate for or against certain state policies by communicating with state legislators or educational authorities. Additionally, the Board plays a critical role in communicating state mandates and their implications to parents, students, and staff.

The Board of Education needs to ensure that NJ state mandates are effectively implemented while balancing the needs and interests of the local community, and to oversee the district's compliance with these mandates to maintain high standards of education and well-being.

2. What components of the school budget should be protected and perhaps increased, and what components do you think could be reduced? Please explain your answer and your strategies to accomplish this.
When evaluating the school budget, it is crucial to prioritize areas that directly affect student success and well-being. Key components that should be protected or even expanded include student support services, mental health and special education programs, teacher and staff development, and technology and STEM initiatives. Conversely, reductions could be considered in areas like administrative costs, streamlining operations, and eliminating redundancies, as well as non-essential programs. Using data-driven decision-making will help clarify which areas should be prioritized or adjusted, while engaging parents, teachers, and other stakeholders in budget discussions ensures that community values are reflected. Additionally, any budget changes should align with long-term goals for academic excellence and student well-being, with incremental adjustments fostering sustainable improvements without compromising quality. By carefully evaluating the impact of each budget component, we can make informed decisions that protect essential services while maintaining fiscal responsibility throughout the district.

3. What issues, if any, do you believe our district needs to address in its academic program and offerings? What changes would you recommend?
Our district faces several important challenges in its academic programs that need to be addressed to ensure students thrive both academically and personally. One pressing issue is student mental health and wellness. With societal pressures mounting and lingering post-pandemic effects, students are increasingly struggling with mental health concerns. It’s crucial that we provide the necessary resources and support to help them succeed. Another key area is educational equity. Although our district is known for strong academics, we must ensure that all students, regardless of their background or learning needs, have equal access to resources like AP courses, honors classes, and enrichment programs. This includes closing achievement gaps and enhancing support for special education and underserved students. Furthermore, we must continuously adapt our curriculum to prepare students for the future, as technological advancements and changing educational standards demand innovation. While STEM education is vital, we should also prioritize a range of career pathways, including vocational training and apprenticeships. Lastly, fostering stronger partnerships with parents and the community will help us address concerns, implement changes, and create a more inclusive, engaging, and effective academic program that sets every student up for success.

4. When groups of parents disagree about Board of Education policies, please state what steps you would take (beyond listening to both sides) to resolve the issue.
When addressing disagreements among parent groups regarding Board of Education policies, it is important to take a proactive, inclusive, and collaborative approach. I would begin by facilitating open dialogue through community forums or workshops, where parents with differing viewpoints can come together for constructive discussions. Additionally, conducting surveys to gather input from the broader community would ensure that common concerns and priorities are identified, allowing all voices to be heard and considered in the decision-making process. A task force, made up of board members, parents, educators, and other stakeholders, would then collaboratively examine the issue, explore possible solutions, and recommend actions. To further clarify and guide discussions, I would share relevant research and data, helping to dispel misunderstandings and keep conversations focused on evidence-based solutions. Encouraging parents to seek compromises that address the concerns of both sides could help bring the community together and promote unity over division. Regular updates would keep everyone informed on the steps being taken to resolve disagreements, fostering transparency. Finally, I would suggest a trial period for any new or adjusted policies, allowing for feedback and informed decisions on future adjustments. By embracing differing opinions, we can ultimately arrive at better solutions, creating an environment where all voices are valued, and where the best interests of our students are always the priority.

5. What do you consider to be the three most important challenges facing the Montgomery Township School District?
Our School District faces three key challenges that are critical to address for the continued success of its students. First, student mental health and wellness is a growing concern as societal pressures and post-pandemic challenges contribute to rising mental health issues among students. Providing adequate resources and support is essential for their academic and personal well-being. Second, ensuring educational equity remains a priority, as all students, regardless of background or individual needs, must have access to the resources and opportunities necessary to reach their full potential. This involves addressing achievement gaps, strengthening special education programs, and enhancing support for underserved populations. Finally, the district must adapt to the rapidly changing educational landscape, particularly in response to technological advancements and evolving educational standards. Staying ahead in areas such as STEM education, digital literacy, and global competencies, while maintaining a strong foundation in core academic programs, requires innovative strategies and forward-thinking approaches.
6. What would you do as a board member to ensure our students receive the quality education to which they are entitled?
As a Board member, my priority would be to ensure that every student in our district has access to a high-quality education by focusing on three essential areas. First, I would advocate for the thoughtful use of resources, making sure we invest in smaller class sizes, modern facilities, and up-to-date tools and technologies that enhance both engagement and learning. Supporting students' well-being is equally important, so I would push for more mental health resources and programs tailored to different learning needs to ensure that every student feels valued and supported. I also believe in the power of listening and collaboration, ensuring that the voices of parents, teachers, students, and staff are heard and respected. By fostering open communication and working together, we can create policies that truly reflect the needs of our community. Lastly, I would emphasize the importance of continuous improvement, advocating for ongoing professional development for our educators and regular updates to the curriculum. This way, we can make sure our programs stay relevant and that our students are well-prepared for college, careers, and the ever-changing world ahead of them.
7. What do you think the district is doing right?
The Montgomery Township School District shines in many areas, and we believe it’s doing a fantastic job in several key aspects. First, the district’s dedication to academic excellence is clear in its students’ consistent achievements. The rigorous curriculum, along with advanced programs like AP courses and a strong emphasis on STEM, equips students with the skills they need to thrive in higher education and future careers. Beyond academics, the district fosters a strong sense of community by actively engaging parents, staff, and local residents. Through initiatives like parent-teacher organizations, public forums, and transparent communication, the district builds meaningful connections with the community. Finally, Montgomery has made it a priority to focus on the whole child, understanding that student success is not just about grades. The district supports students' social and emotional well-being through mental health programs, extracurricular opportunities, and a range of support services, creating a well-rounded educational experience that nurtures all aspects of a student's growth.
8. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has been a district goal for a number of years. What are your thoughts on how the district has been implementing these goals?
I believe Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are essential goals for our school district, and it’s encouraging to see that Montgomery Township has prioritized them for several years.
  • The district has shown a strong commitment to creating a more inclusive environment for all students. Programs that increase cultural awareness, provide diversity training for staff, and ensure the curriculum reflects a range of perspectives are commendable. Their focus on providing equitable access to advanced courses and extracurricular activities for underrepresented students also shows a real dedication to closing opportunity gaps.
  • That said, I think more work is needed in achieving educational equity across all student groups. It is important that students of all backgrounds - whether racial, socioeconomic, or related to learning ability - get the resources and support they need. I would advocate for a thorough review of access to programs like honors and AP courses to ensure there aren’t any barriers left.
  • The district has made progress in building cultural competence by incorporating diverse perspectives in the curriculum, but there is still room to expand. Regularly reviewing materials to ensure they reflect the experiences of underrepresented groups and including more student voices in the DEI conversation would help the curriculum better connect with their lived experiences.
  • Supporting staff through continuous professional development is also critical. Teachers play such a key role in fostering an inclusive environment, and ongoing training is essential to help them handle issues related to bias and inclusivity effectively. The district’s Labor Management Collaborative Partnership (LMCP) provides a great framework for making sure this training is not a one-time effort but part of ongoing professional development.
  • Finally, community engagement is key to making DEI initiatives successful. The district has made good strides here, but I believe there is room for even deeper collaboration. Hosting more open forums and workshops with parents, students, and local organizations would allow the district to better understand and respond to the evolving needs and perspectives of the community.
While the district has made meaningful progress with its DEI goals, staying committed and focused will be important to keep moving forward. Continuous evaluation, addressing any remaining inequities, and fostering strong community partnerships will ensure these goals are fully realized across all schools.

9. Textbooks and other reading materials have been a topic of conversation at many of the board meetings. What is your understanding and expectation of the board’s role in choosing reading materials?
The Board of Education plays an important but carefully balanced role in overseeing the selection of textbooks and reading materials for the district. While the Board doesn’t typically make direct decisions about specific books, its role is to setting policies, ensuring inclusivity, engaging with the community, protecting academic freedom, and supporting the professional expertise of educators. It’s about creating a system that balances diverse perspectives while prioritizing students' learning and development. The board’s role in choosing reading materials:
  • Policy and Oversight: The Board's primary role is to set and maintain policies that guide the selection of reading materials. These policies should ensure that materials align with state standards, the district’s curriculum goals, and the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Board is responsible for making sure that the district’s selection process involves educational professionals, such as teachers, curriculum experts, and librarians, who have the subject matter expertise to make informed decisions about what resources best support student learning.
  • Ensuring Inclusivity and Diversity: The Board has an obligation to ensure that the reading materials chosen reflect the diverse experiences and backgrounds of the student body and the broader community. This includes supporting materials that promote critical thinking, foster a deeper understanding of different cultures, and prepare students for a global society. The Board should encourage a balanced selection of reading materials that represents various perspectives while upholding academic rigor.
  • Community Input and Engagement: The Board should also provide a platform for community input regarding reading materials. Parents and community members have a right to voice concerns or provide feedback, especially when it comes to materials they may find controversial or inappropriate. However, the Board must balance these concerns with the need to provide a comprehensive and challenging education. Policies that outline clear procedures for reviewing and addressing concerns about reading materials should be in place, and the Board’s role is to ensure these procedures are followed fairly and consistently.
  • Protecting Academic Freedom: It’s important that the Board protect academic freedom and prevent censorship based on individual preferences. While sensitivity to community standards is important, the Board must avoid removing materials solely due to political or ideological disagreements. The goal is to support a curriculum that encourages open inquiry, critical thinking, and intellectual growth.
  • Supporting the Professional Judgment of Educators: Ultimately, the Board should trust the professional judgment of educators in choosing reading materials. Teachers and curriculum specialists are best positioned to determine which texts will support educational goals, challenge students, and meet state requirements. The Board’s role is to ensure that the selection process is based on educational merit, not personal or political biases.

10. What are your views on the Labor Management Collaborative Partnership and how do you envision this partnership continuing to evolve?
We view the Labor Management Collaborative Partnership (LMCP) as a critical component of maintaining a healthy, productive relationships between school administrators, the Board of Education, and labor unions representing teachers and staff. This partnership promotes a collaborative and cooperative approach to addressing issues such as working conditions, compensation, and educational practices, ultimately benefiting both the staff and students.
  • Supporting Open Communication and Collaboration: My view on the LMCP is that it is an essential tool for maintaining open lines of communication between labor and management. By creating a structure where both sides can openly discuss concerns, share ideas, and develop solutions together, the partnership reduces the likelihood of conflicts or misunderstandings. We believe that maintaining this open dialogue is crucial for fostering trust and mutual respect, which are essential for creating a positive working environment that benefits everyone, especially students.
  • Enhancing Teacher and Staff Engagement: The partnership also helps to give teachers and staff a greater voice in decision-making processes, which can lead to increased engagement and morale. When educators feel that their perspectives are valued and that they have input into decisions that impact their work, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to the success of the school district. I envision this partnership continuing to evolve by providing even more opportunities for teachers and staff to contribute to policy discussions, curriculum development, and other key areas that affect the district’s educational outcomes.
  • Joint Problem-Solving: The collaborative approach of the LMCP allows for joint problem-solving, which is key to addressing complex challenges such as staffing shortages, classroom sizes, and professional development needs. I believe that continuing to use this partnership to address these issues in a proactive way can lead to more innovative solutions that serve the best interests of both educators and students. By working together, labor and management can find common ground on issues that might otherwise lead to tension or dispute.
  • Adapting to Future Challenges: As the educational landscape changes, the LMCP will need to adapt to new challenges such as the increasing demand for mental health support, the integration of technology into the classroom, and the need for flexible teaching models. I envision the partnership playing a critical role in ensuring that teachers and staff are well-supported as they navigate these changes. For instance, jointly developing strategies for incorporating new teaching technologies or addressing student mental health can ensure that both educators and administrators are aligned in their goals.
  • Continued Focus on Professional Development: Professional development is another area where the LMCP can have a significant impact. As the partnership evolves, I see an opportunity for labor and management to work together to expand opportunities for teacher training and professional growth. This can include creating joint professional development programs that reflect the shared goals of both parties and directly enhance classroom learning. By continuing to prioritize open communication, teacher engagement, joint problem-solving, and adaptability, this partnership can evolve to meet future challenges and ensure that the district remains a great place to work and learn.
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Paid for by Mathur & Nargund for BOE, 84 Dublin Rd, Skillman, NJ 08558

2024 Mathur & Nargund for BOE. All Rights Reserved.